Are you a member of the media? Contact Public Relations Director Amanda Falcone at 860-358-6980 or

September 2021
September 3, 2021

Suicide: The Risks and Impact

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, and Middlesex Health encourages you to take this opportunity to learn suicide warning sides and to reach out to your friends and loved ones, encouraging them to get help when needed. Also, if you’ve been directly impacted by suicide, know that there is help available for you too.

August 2021
August 2, 2021

Breastfeeding: The Benefits and Challenges

While the benefits are numerous, there are some challenges that can come with breastfeeding. Know that help is available and that everyone’s experience is different.

July 2021
July 23, 2021

Enjoy Sunny Days Safely

This summer, take steps to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays.

July 13, 2021

Healthy Eating, Even When You’re in a Hurry

To save yourself time, always have the essentials stocked in your pantry and refrigerator to decrease “emergency” grocery store trips.

July 8, 2021

Guide to Safe Grilling Practices

If you are looking forward to a weekend cookout, make sure to keep
foodborne bacteria and germs off your guest list.

June 2021
June 16, 2021

Using Bulkamid to Treat Stress Urinary Incontinence

Dr. Dana Kivlin, medical director for the Middlesex Health Center for Continence & Pelvic Health, is treating some patients using Bulkamid, a hydrogel that can provide long-lasting relief of stress urinary incontinence symptoms.

May 2021
May 21, 2021

Relaxation for Stress Relief

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about managing the stress in your life.

May 12, 2021

Seared Scallops

The secret to making seared scallops at home is a hot pan, a little olive oil and fresh herbs.

May 12, 2021

Why Do I Now Have Access to Medical Notes?

If you are a Middlesex Health patient with a MyChart account, you now have access to medical notes from physicians, nurses, etc. You also can access notes regarding your labs, imaging and pathology.

April 2021
April 30, 2021

What You Need To Know About Hernias

A hernia is the abnormal exit of tissue, or an organ, through the wall of the cavity where it normally resides, and there are many types. There are hernias that involve the groin, belly button and even the upper stomach, and they can sometimes cause life-threatening conditions.

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